Recap from Texas School 2014

We have just returned from Texas School 2014.  What an amazing time!

Texas School of Professional Photography is six days of the best photographic education in the world with classes taught by 25 of the most well recognized photographers in the industry. The school also includes a week long pass to an impressive Trade Show with over 70 vendors, including our host camera store Arlington Camera. The tradeshow offers the best prices on photographic equipment anywhere. XP PhotoGear was proud to be one of those vendors and we met so many new friends and reconnected with a lot of old friends. We introduced our new Speedbox Diffuser Line and had an incredible response from both speakers and students.

We had a great time working with speaker Jamie Hayes and his class as he used the Speedbox Diffuser 70.  This school was a great opportunity to let the instrcutors use several Speedboxes during the week in class. In the Fisk/Hayes class, attendees were able to see first hand why the Speedbox Diffuser 70 is the fastest, easiest, and best made softbox to use on location with speedlights.

Ross Benton used both our ZBracket and Pro ZBracket for Profoto  to use along with Chimera softboxes for his outdoor location photography with speedlights.  His class saw how our brackets are the most sturdy, and will allow you to use your existing softboxes out on location.

Hanson Fong used our PCD Microbox Kit during the week to show a quick and easy speedlight softbox modifier for on location photography. The PCD Microbox is the largest Microbox modifier on the market at 10×13.9″

We love when these nationally known speakers/ instructors brought their classes by our booth so we could show our full range of products and answer any further technical questions they had about the products that were being used in their classrooms.  Texas School of Professional Photography is by far one of the best weeks of education for a photographer by both the incredible classes that are offered and the weeklong tradeshow with over 70 vendors.  Thank you for a great week, and see you next year!

Texas School XP PhotoGear Booth

by admin