The LiteShaper Products with Ray Quezada

Here is a recent Shutterbug ad that was run in the March issue of Shutterbug magazine.

 Photographer Ray Quezada gives a brief description on how he used XP PhotoGear products to create this image.

XPPhotoGear_March-lrHe created the image with two speedlights. One Nikon SB-900 with a LiteShaper Multi-Flector attached, using the gold side for the hair light.  It was set up on the left of camera.  He then set up a second Nikon SB-900 as a main light with a Speedbox Diffuser 70 to the right of camera. Underneath the subject he used the LiteShaper Panel Kit to bounce the light from the Speedbox Diffuser 70 into her eyes.

Ray Quezada is hosting a light workshop this month, February 28th in the Dallas/ Fort Worth area.  To sign up for his workshop, or for more information, visit Look Into The Light